It’s odd, but I can tell a good day from a bad day very easily.
A good day, I wake up, I take my pills, I brush my teeth, I read my news and webcomics, I do reading for class, I pack up and I go to class.
A bad day? I’m lucky if I even wake up. But eventually I do, begrudgingly so. I take my pills, but here’s where the difference comes: A day can be decided on whether or not I brush my teeth.
It’s gross, I know, but it’s a sign of the problems I sometimes face. I do struggle with mild to moderate depression, and part of that mental disorder is the inability to do even the simplest of things, especially those that need doing.
On a bad day, I look at my toothbrush and I think, “Eh. I’ll do it later. Maybe after I eat something and read a little.” Then I mope to my computer chair, huddle under a blanket and sulk about going to class until I either go late, or skip it altogether.
So my theory is this: If a day can be determined by how I feel about brushing my teeth, can I beat the game by taking that out of the equation? If I take my pills and brush my teeth, even while I’m sulking, will that jumpstart the process of other things that must be done? Will I accept my duty and go to class anyway? Will I do my homework? Will I put down the WoW for long enough to live life?
It’s an interesting theory, at any rate.
So, little kiddies, brush your teeth. And drink your milk, and take your vitamins, and do your homework, and clean your rooms. Not because it makes your mom happy, because it just might be good for you after all. Be health and head conscious! Like me, the overweight and depressed college student who hates college!
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