Been a long time...

So, anyone who has been in contact with me recently has become somewhat aware of a few things. One, I hate school. Two, I'm getting married this Halloween, and I'm trapped in the craziness of wedding planning. Three, life is hard.

Basically, I let myself get trapped up in a ball of negativity that has been rolling along steadily for a few months now. It's not fun, and I refuse to stay with it any longer. In its place will be writing, listening to music, reading, meditating, happiness in the face of stress.

I will do what I must to make myself go to class, even if that means blocking out every stimulus besides music and the lecture once I get here, with the magic of my MP3 player. I will plan my wedding without fear of failure and without making myself stress to death. Instead, I will be grateful that I have been given the chance to marry someone so perfect for me.

I will not snap at my friends, or be unfriendly towards anyone. Being negative is the lazy response to life, and I have been coasting along on the tide of anger for too long. Behind every jerk who pisses me off is someone who probably has a problem I could care about, but hating them because of surface behavior is so much easier that I forget what I am.

I forget who I believe in, what I follow as my personal code for my life, and what the heart I've been given feels about people. I am not a negative person. I am not happy when I view the world through rage-colored glasses, and I have grown tired of living in that state of being.

So I'll stay to the sidelines in class, but I'll be here. I'll turn in my assignments, I'll do the readings, I'll pass the exams. I'll plan my wedding, I'll hang out with friends, I'll play my games and read my books, and I will keep my eyes open for what other people need while I do it. I have always been able to juggle many lives concurrently, it just happens that sometimes I get selfish and begin to feel angry at what I used to love doing.

I am only human, after all.

Oh, and I need to find a job or win the lottery. Good luck on that, right?

Class will be starting soon, but I wanted to write something, to document the turning point of this race I've been in. Wish me luck. The idea of turning off my MP3 player and listening to the dribble coming out of the other students' mouths is really not sitting well with me right now, but eventually I must.


Antisocial powers activate!